Sorting it out!

Hey Bloggers, it's Laudjah! I've missed writing these blogs and I'm happy to get into this "groove", lol. I'm so excited to start filming this short film. I've had a couple set backs so I couldn't start filming when I originally planned to. Doing this film by myself as been a challenge that as lowkey been hard to conquer. Finding people that want to be in something they get no type of compensation for is hard. They don't fully the importance of this project/class. They people I originally planned to film with, well 2/3 or 4 have been pretty compliant. Others unfortunately just see this as a fun project. As it will be fun to make, it's also important that it doesn't just look like a "fun" mini film, but something that represents all that I've learned. It keeps getting shut down or being put on the back burner for some.

As I'm writing this, I'm coming to the realization that I need to find people that maybe took the class during AS level so can understand why this is really important to me. I understand why they aren't as serious, we're teenagers many only think of themselves, which is totally ok. Also, it's testing season to finding a day that fits with everyone is important. We're all taking rigorous classes, so I get it. It's really important to study for all of those exams.

So while I can't film certain things, I am still filming the things I can myself, and editing as I go. This is helping not have a lot of stress over the project. I'm learning from my mistakes last year. Last year definitely was eye opening.

But that's it for this one, Bloggers! I'm excited to have y'all on this journey with me. Also can't wait to see the outcome.

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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