
 Hey Bloggers, I'm back. Let's chat a bit and reflect on my commercial and the whole process of it. So it make the commercial the technology I was my phone. Although I'm on my phone like basically 24/7, I didn't know all the like capabilities of it. The features on a iPhone is amazing, especially for stuff like this. Like for the editing of my pictures. I found out different ways for the pictures to look clearer, and this came in handy when using older pictures of myself. Aside from just my phone I learned how to use CapCut way better. I didn't really know how to add like all the different pictures and videos and like move them around, so it made the process a bit longer. I also learned how to add audios over the song to make that moment stick out. For example, the part of my commercial where my friend and I were cheering at the football game. During the making of this project one thing I learned is, procrastination gets you know where and that having a plan is important. Planning for this project was crucial for it to look good. I also learned that procrastinating, especially for a project like this, will get you know where but stressed. For this project the planning didn't seem like a lot. Like I had to pick the pictures from my childhood, recent pictures, videos, and the music for everything. After having that bit planned out I was less stressed, but then procrastinated with putting it all together. Additionally, I learned how to use CapCut better for future projects. For future projects I think I could plan it out way better. I think planning out the time and when I want to work on a project is important, rather than just doing it whenever. I would also want to get better of using different softwares. Although CapCut is a really good editing app, I'm sure there are just better ones out there to make projects look better. I could also learn how to take advice better, especially when it's coming from teachers. They advised us to not start too close to the due date, but that went into one ear and out the other. But if I did listen I feel like I wouldn't have been as stressed as I was. Because as people say teachers know best. But that's it for this blog, bloggers.

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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