Intro Blog

Hey Bloggers! I’m gonna do a little part two of my first intro blog. So I’ve discovered that one of my new favorite colors are pink. I was kind of against when i was younger because it was the stereotypical color for girls, but now I love it. I have been getting into cooking more recently. I’ve learned how to cook lemon pepper grilled chicken, steak, and vodka pasta. Even though that’s kind of basic stuff, that’s pretty good for me. I want to learn more, but just a bit scared. I’ve been learning more about my future career. I want to major in Finance or Marketing, but I know i want my minor to be business. Because like what if I want to run my own business  I’m really good at math and would love to pursue a career dealing with that. I wanted to be an orthodontist, but I’m not that good in science and medical school is science based. I want to work in a hospital, but in he administration field of things. Like the people in charge of the building plans and the budgeting process. Since I’m 15 I still have a lot of time to think about that, but for now I’m more focused on getting my permit. I’ve practiced driving in a parking lot and love the idea of the freedom. So now I just need to lock in and get my permit. I just wanna get a car, and my current dream first car is a Honda civic sport 2023. My actual dream car is a G-Wagon though. I just love the look of the car, like it’s so beautiful. But that’s enough about me. Talk to y’all later, blog.

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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