Final Task Group Blog 

Hey Bloggers! Let’s get into the details of my Final Task. For the project I’m gonna be working with some friends. I’m gonna work with Alyssa, she’s in my class, and Maria, she’s in a different class. I’m working with Alyssa because I’ve known her since freshman, she’s one of my good friends, and I know she’s reliable. Maria and I just started becoming close this year and I feel like she’s a good person to work with. This wasn’t the original plan for the people I was going to work with. A friend that Alyssa and I know we’re planning on working together, but they chose to work with other people. It was slightly more out of convenience. Since he worked with them perviously on the music video, he decided to just stay with them for the final task. So I get it, I guess. For our Final Task I was thinking about doing like a horror type video or a little drama thriller, but I don't know time will tell.  The reason why this song was picked was because like those are amazing genre's so like why not. Also because me and Alyssa thought of these ideas while being introduced to this assignment. Filming this opening sequence  will be so fun. With the vibes and everything, like come on. Like who wouldn't want to be doing this, it's literally such a cool thing. Can’t wait to work on this with them. It will definitely be a time. But that’s it for this blog Talk to y’all next time, bloggers! 

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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