Production Blog: Process of Music Video

     Hey Bloggers! Lets chat a little bit about the progress of my music video. So at first me and my group picked Call Me Maybe. But ended up changing the song to Thinkin Bout You by Frank Ocean. In my group we realized that Call Me Maybe wasn't really for us. With our other classmates we realized that they were doing more like modern songs and like aesthetically pleasing songs. So we did some brain storming to find our song. Maria, Alyssa, and I hopped on a FaceTime call to pick our final song. Alyssa was screen sharing her playlist and we were listening to a couple of songs before picking Thinkin Bout You. I'm glad we went with that one instead of our first choice because I feel like we get to be more creative. But during this process it made me realize that I need better time management. Because waiting minute is not a great idea for this type of project. I just hope that this ends out good. Like there's
already have a plan to shoot this weekend. I feel like the process of filming will be enjoyable. Knowing me and my friends it won't be super bad filming. It might have some stressful moments here and there, but that's expected. My group and I are filming with some of our friends that aren't actually taking this class. It might be a disaster, but yolo. Because I feel like they wouldn't understand certain things for this class that needs to be taken seriously, but we'll handle that when it happens. But that's all for this blog, bloggers!

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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