Production Blog: Recording at beach and mall

Hey Bloggers! My group and I were finally able to film. In the previous blog I mentioned the scheduling problem within the group, but that got figured out. In our group we decided to just stick with our original plan but change some things around. The first location used for filming was the mall. At the mall we filmed the first half of our video. During filming I couldn't stop laughing so Alyssa became like the "main" character and I was just like one of the "side" characters along with Maria. Since one of our friends couldn't help us film, our other friend Owen was able to help us. He helped film the scenes where Alyssa, Maria, and I were all featured in. I helped film most of the scenes since most of the footage was taken on my phone. Which wasn't what was used to film originally. Maria has an iPhone Xr and with that phone the quality isn't that good, but that's the quality I wanted. Maria's phone ended up dying so my phone was the backup used to film, an iPhone 11. After finishing filming at the mall, Maria's mom drive my group and I to the beach. Firstly, we couldn't even find parking so we almost had to change locations since there was no parking. Her mom looked up parking and find some so locations didn't have to be changed. I then find an area on the beach and that's where most of the footage was filmed. It was really windy when filming and the sand was flying everywhere and that slowed down the process. Owen helped film most scenes since most were featuring Maria, Alyssa, and I. Having Owen there made it really convenient when it came to film. That's it for this blog, Bloggers!

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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