Final Task Storyboard

1. Close up shot of a photo of the four girls.

2. Zoom out shot from the laptop

3.  Medium shot of Laura, Maya, and Amelia on the laptop

4. Over the shoulder shot of Maya, Laura, and Amelia bullying Piper.

5. Cuts to all four girls hanging out.

6. Message pops up on phone

7. Piper sees message and gets sad

8. Piper rips picture with all four of them

9. Picture montage- actors name: Laudjah Mugayo

10. Picture montage- actors name: Maria Palacio

11. Picture montage- actors name: Alyssa Montas 

12. Picture montage- actors name: Paige Maring

13. Camera flips to Piper crying and brushing hair while she starts smiling

14.  Piper puts the brush down and title screen pops up

15. Piper drags the brush,  the brush changes into weapon, and then title fades away

16. Cuts to Piper grabbing weapon from her bag

17.  Camera tilts to Piper faces while she's smiling

18. Pans to Amelia's scared face

19. Scene backdrop- shows the sky then tilts down to next scene 

20. Establishing shot of the woods

21. Close up shot of Amelias missing persons poster

22. Shot reverse shot of Laura asking how many more posters to put up

23. Shot reverse shot of Maya when she responds to Laudjah

24. Shot reverse shot of Laura being happy they finished

25. Picture of Maya with red circle on her face

26. Medium shot of Maya opening the fridge

27. Medium close up shot of her on the phone

28. Maya closes the fridge door

29. The killer, Paige, is seen in the background of kitchen

30. Cuts to black screen saying "Directed by Maria Palacio" 


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