Tittle Research: Art of the Title Website

For the final task project, title design is a very significant factor to the themes and how the genre is portrayed. To get a better understanding on title design my group and I decided to research a website called "Art of the Title." This website has tons of opening sequences to look at.  This website has a very simple layout. The simplicity of the layout makes it easier for my group mates and I to look at the different movies. Which is a great advantage! This website has a variety of horror movies, which is the genre my group and I chose. This makes it easier for me as I need to do research on movies with the same genre to help get an idea on what a title sequence should look like. Unlike other websites this one provides films that recently came out, which is important when doing research. My group and I also appreciates the descriptions the website provides on what was used in their sequences, which will be very helpful when creating our own. This website will make researching such an easy and much more enjoyable process!


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