Peer Review


Hey Bloggers! Apart of our final task is a peer review, so I decided to have my sister watch it. She took media studies years ago, so I thought her opinion would be somewhat valid. I first told her the pitch and mini description so she could have an idea of what the movie would be about. Kind of like how Netflix, puts that those little summary things for movies. I believe they're called "blurbs", but I might be wrong. Anyways, she was intrigued with the pitch and wanted to finally see the video. Before I had to warn her though that this is only our first round of editing. After letting her watch it she was really liked it . One because she knows my friends in real life, so there might be some bias there, but still. She said that the twist of Paige taking her "friends" out one by one was unexpected, which is what the group was going for. She also pointed out the brush transitioning to the knife. She really liked that part, but she said he could look smoother. I gotta make sure to relay that message, so that we can have to best outcome, especially for like the most important part of an opening sequence. She complimented the quality of the video, she said "it looks really high quality, kind of like a camera". Which is what the group was hoping for, so that's good. Most of her "negatives" were based on the editing. So that shows that we just gotta make sure to make that better when we go back and edit again. She also commented on the audio quality of the video. She said "you can't have a good quality video with bad audio", so we just have to go back on either refill or use the equalizer on Caput to make it louder. Overall she said it was good for it being the first cut. She also pointed out that the group needs to make sure to reshoot like 2 of the scenes because you could tell we were like 2 seconds from bursting into laughter. That concludes this one, Bloggers! Til next time.

Xoxo Laudjah.


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