Picking the Music!

 Hey Bloggers! Even though some are sick, they grind can't stop, lol. So I decided to start looking for some music to use for the final task. My teacher introduced a way to use more mainstream music. Since  popular music will usually get copyrighted when you use it without permission. When my teacher told me that you have to email the companies before hand, I made to do just that. Well at least attempted. I did some research on my own before bringing the idea up to my group members. I wanted to look for music that would fit the vibe for the video. The Company that owned the song was "Capital Records", but as I was looking for songs I saw music on YouTube. The song on YouTube was labeled as copyright free, so I decided to give it a listen. I was hooked, so I decided to not email Capital Records, even though the song was pretty good, but the one I found was better. 

After finding the music from YouTube, I looked into more music on there. I found 3 potential songs that I would want to use. After finding the songs I sent them in a group chat with me, Alyssa, and Maria. They hearted the ones they wanted. They also did their own research on the music we cold potentially use. Maria also put a few songs in the group chat. I hate to admit it but hers were better. They fit the idea for our video better. 
So now my group and I have the music needed! That's it for this blog, Bloggers!

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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