Hey Bloggers! This blog is just going to be kind of able my "journey" while working on my final task. There's a lot of stress when working on this. Yes, it's in a group, but still. Because not only are you working on this, but also you have to do other school work. It can be taxing, but the diploma is totally worth it. I noticed that a lot of my peers in that class had already been like 60% done, while I was at like 30%. Seeing that kind of stressed me and also acted that an extra motivation. I've also seen others whose group mates are literally sitting back while the work is being completed for them. That sucks for those people, but it makes me also be really glade that I'm in the group that I'm in. As a group communication doesn't lack for us which is a strong contributor the success. Ok so when it came to working on the final task. I made sure when filming I completely free on those days, because when you're working on limited time, the product looks rushed. And we don't want that right. I also found it helpful to look at past ones on YouTube, just to get a feel of what it should look like. I know the curriculum has probably changed since then, but it's still good to have a reference. When I was looking at past ones I made to look at the more recent ones. So like only from 2021 to 2023. I did see saw some from like 2015. It was kind of cool and somewhat funny watching peoples old videos, because I'm sure they would've never expected that somebody would be watching it like 7 years later. My math might be wrong on that, but oh well. Well Bloggers that it for this one! Chat with y'all soon.
Xoxo, Laudjah.
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