Group Blog
Hey, blog for this time around I'm doing this project by myself. It was hard deciding if I want to or not. But I'm content with my decision. I'm sure I can do this as well as groups that have multiple people in them. The group I worked with last year didn't take the course this year. So I guess I'm all alone on this project. I didn't want to pair up with anybody else to do this, I feel as though I can succeed on my own. That's not the only reason though. Last year when working with a group I found it difficult to efficiently get the work done. There would be cases where it would get pushed last minute, some people didn't want to do that certain task, or even didn't simply want to do it. I to am to blame because I'm a really bad procrastinator, I need to fix this. Doing this project by myself will be challenging, but I'm up for it. I feel like I'll be able to organize better since I know my schedule and when I can get this done. Unlike, in a group you may not know everything everyone else will be doing that day or whenever. I almost joined one of my classmates group, but that wouldn't have worked out that well. I'm in a separate class period than everyone in that group, so while they would be discussing the project I wouldn't be able to be included. And for this project I want to be able to be hands on and I want this to reflect my work from last year. I want to be able to show that I've developed a better understanding of what it takes to make a film. I'll get to be the producer, editor, and director. How fun...
No but really, I'm pretty excited for this project. I'm already cooking up an idea, and I'm sure it'll eat. But thats it for this blog, bloggers!
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