Script: Short Film



Ivy- Laudjah

Amira- Alyssa

Leigh- Paige

Xaiver- ?

(Ivy laying in bed scrolling on ex's Instagram account)

Ivy- " Why doesn't he want me? None of these girls can do what I've done for him"

*Fade into flashbacks of Xaiver and Ivy*

(Xaiver and Ivy sitting down on the beach)

Xaiver- "I can't wait to spend forever with you"

Ivy- "Always and forever?"

Xaiver- "Always and Forever"

*Montage of Xaiver and Ivy's cute moments*


(Ivy calls Leigh in desperation)

Ivy- "Leigh I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm loosing my mind"

Leigh- "You have to stop thinking about him"

Ivy- " Leigh c'mon you know that easier said than done. And I can't get over him when I'm the best for him"

Leigh- Ivy that's not the type of mindset you should have right now 

Ivy- "I don't care, I have to do something about this, theres so way I cant let him waste away his time, when it could be spent with me

(Ivy hangs up on her, and grabs laptop to stalk and find Xaiver's past relationship)

Ivy- "Can't believe this is who he went for"

(Ivy proceeds to figure out Xaiver's ex and creates a plan *shows picture of plan*)

*music here?*

*2 weeks later*

Amria- "Omg Ivy, I'm so glad we went out tonight"

Ivy- "me too, and it doesn't have to end tonight, you should sleepover"

Amria- "If you insist!"

(Ivy's mood brightens as this night eliminates his ex)

*Ivy and Amria drive home*

*music here?*

*They arrive and go to the kitchen*

Ivy- "Do you want some tea before bed, I usually drink some it knocks me right out"

Amria- "Sure, thank you"

Ivy- "Of course (with the a smile on her face)"

(Ivy crushes pills into her drink and slips it in as sugar)

Amria- "Wait what do you put in here"

Ivy- "It's just tea and a little bit of sugar)

(Ivy and Amria go to the couch and drinks their tea while watching a movie)

2 hours later

(Ivy goes to check on Amria and she is unresponsive, her plan worked)

Ivy: "I didn't fully think of this part, how will I hide her body"

Ivy: "I'll just make it look like it's her fault"

*music here?*

(Ivy takes her to a random lot and leaves her in the car with a fake note and places the pill bottle in Amria bag and leaves her)


One month later

*Xaiver texts Ivy, "Hey, I miss you can we talk"*

(Xaiver and Ivy talk and he tells her about his ex)

Ivy- "Omg, are you ok, nobody should have to go through that"

Xaiver- "Im trying to get through it, but I know you can help me, like always"

Ivy- "I'll be here for you Always and Forever"

(Ivy smiles, then it cuts)


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