Other info for Short Film!!


  • Location- The locations that will be used for the short film will the my house, my room, the kitchen, the beach, a park, and a parking lot (deciding where that will be exactly)
  • Participants- Alyssa, Laney, Laudjah, Paige (May change depending on availability)
  • Health- Parents will be there throughout filming for supervision in case anything happens. Caution will be exercised as well.
  • Schedule- The days we are filming are: January 31, February 1st, February 2nd, and February 4th.
  • Props: iPhone, Laptop, Car, fake pills, and pill bottle 
  • Stand-ins: Just incase a person can't make it or the location is available, I can use my sister as an extra or my friends house( Paige or Alyssa's) for filming


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