Our Pitch

Pitch A: Group of teens in a small town go to their highschool at night but discover an unimaginable truth.
Pitch B: Friends in a group go missing one by one.

Discuss A: I wouldnt want to continue making this pitch. I like the idea of the unimaginable truth, but it could be better and it’s a little bit harder to coordinate. The unimaginable truth would be that the principal is a serial killer in their town. This idea is strong for a movie, but one we can’t film in schools. Also, most parents don’t want to act in school projects. 

Discuss Pitch B: We like this pitch more than pitch A. In pitch B, a group of bullies start to disappear one by one after cyberbullying a classmate. The kidnapper is not revealed until the end, taking the audience through a suspenseful ride. Pitch B has better potential and getting someone to play the role of the classmate is easier than finding an adult to play a role in pitch A. 

My Final decision: Since, I cannot get an adult to play the role of the principal, I have decided to go with Pitch B: Friends in a group go missing one by one. 


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