Re-Filming Blog: At the park!

 Hey Bloggers! I'm back with another blog. Recently we've been talking about my final task. For my final task I had to reshoot the scenes at the park. Well let me not say, it was a need. I just wanted to redo it because I felt like it was really bad. I can't act, lol. When I did it the first time I kept rolling my eyes after doing every time. I do not know why. Also, my friends kept laughing in the background. So obviously that made it more difficult. Also since the group reshot the scene of me at the tree on a different day, other stuff had to get reshot. Maria and I reshot her scene, then the other scene of me talking, then us walking. When we were at the park, there were kids and it was really windy, so it made it more difficult for us to film. Maria and I had to basically shout for us to be able to be heard. Also while at the park, originally the plan was to film in the dark. But due to daylight savings, that couldn't happen. Literally, it was like 7:30 and it was really bright outside. So, that ruined the plain. To get darker lighter I was filmed in an area with a bunch of trees to change lighting up. After that my group and I were done refilling all the scenes at the park. Well this is it for this blog, Bloggers! Til next blog.

Xoxo, Laudjah.


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