Researching film research: A Distorted Doll

Hey, Bloggers! I will be continue my research on short films in the horror genre. I'm continuing this research as that is the genre I'll be doing for my short film.

In this film, common angles and shots in this genre were shot-reverse-shot, POV shot, tracking shot, and zoom in. These angles and shots allow the audience to see a representation of the film. It is crucial in telling the story and increases audience interactions.

Common sounds in this film included were diegetic sounds, such as screaming, creaking and heavy breathing. Also included non-diegetic sound, for instance, background music of suspense. This short film also included sound bridges and voiceovers.

Common Mis-en-scence in this film included, dark lighting which sets a certain mood in the audience bruising on the body which is done with the use of makeup and shows signs of violence, blood which ca inflict fear, and a doll, which was the main prop telling a story.

Certain editing such as cross-cutting, cut away, insert eye-line match, and action match were used in this short film to include many scenes and to also create a suspense feeling in the audience make them nervous when watching


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