
Showing posts from February, 2025

Peer review for short film

  Hey, Bloggers! I'm not fully satisfied and finished with a little bit of filming. But to help me know what to work on I showed my friend, Olivia, and 2 of my sisters.  Olivia liked it, so she said. She did say she could tell we were trying not the laugh, but we're not actors so lowkey expected. She liked the storyline, she thought it was really interesting. I'm glad she commented on the plot because I thought it was a little too cheesy. My sisters had a bit too much to say. They don't really know wat they were talking about though. Like my oldest sister said "some of the shots are too far". That's expected though because we need shots like a long shot or medium long shot. My older sister, knows a little bit about the class so I could trust what she said. She commented on the lighting in some shots, said it was too dim. It kind of was when filming at Alyssa's house. Also it scenes with me and Alyssa, my head would be cut off, and she pointed that out....

Production Blog for Short film!

  Hey Blogger! This has been a new experience, and I'm glad I'm learning a bit more. Since I've been in the group by myself I'm doing everything myself of course. It's an eye opening experience because I'm understanding every perspective of this project. So, I wanna talk about the fun part of filming, well it shouldn't be fun technically but... So recently I filmed the scenes where Ivy is plotting against Amira. I drove my friends car to get some of those shots done. I'm so glad I have good friends, because when I was writing my script I lowkey forgot I didn't have a car, lol. I don't usually drive, so my friends were "pretending" to be scared. I can drive but they were being soo extra, but it was funny though. We had to keep going up and down the street because we kept messing up or a finger would be in the frame. Another thing was I kept forgetting that the music couldn't be playing for copyright issues, so that also made the proc...

Editing Blog!

Hey, Bloggers! This process is the part that overwhelms me. Editing was different as I was importing footage from a camera. I have completely finished filming, but I have enough that I could edit. More than enough actually. I tried using CapCut as I did last year. That made it much easier. Editing is what really makes the movie so I watched some videos online to know what to do better. Doing this alone as been difficult, and I hate asking for help. So, I just had to learn all of this by myself. I wanted to try out using iMovie as well, because I wanted the best outcome possible. Watching the videos helped a lot. Without it my film would look "boof", lol. Having to do this by self has been a lot. I can't dwell on how hard it is because I did this to myself. I didn't know it would be like this. I'd advice any future Aice media students to work in a group.  I needed to edit the photo montage, and the first like 2:30 of the film, was lowkey easy. I didn't have to ...

Filming blog Part 2

Hey Bloggers, I got so much more done! I filmed with Alyssa, Paige, and Mikayla. It wasn't supposed to be Mikayla. I had to switch people's roles because the person I originally chose had practice and never told me about it. Getting Mikayla was also difficult because I didn't know if she would be able to. Finding out last minute that I needed a replacement, was the issue. She had to get permission from her mom. The only thing was she would need a ride home. Good thing Paige drives, and it such a good friend, she said she would be able to drive her home. I decided to make Paige act as my "ex" because I knew it would be easier to be serious. We filmed stuff of us being "cute" and "couplely", for the photo montage. That was really funny to make, we couldn't take our selves seriously. That made it look more genuine though, it looked low-key real. We got some pretty good shots. We then had to film the dialogue from the second section where we sa...

Filming at my House :)

(not actually my room) Hey Bloggers, I'm back and I've made some progress! Since I have some solo scenes, I just decided to film them on my own. Well not completely on my own, I had to ask my sister for help. Luckily she wasn't busy because it gets some of those angles on my own would be difficult. For filming, I asked my teacher if I could borrow one of her cameras, because that quality would be so much better. I have an iPhone 11, I knew that the outcome wouldn't come out the way I wanted it to. It was kind of hard filming some of these scenes because I was sick and not feeling good, but I had to thug it out. I just hope I don't sound sick, #embarrassing.  While filming it was so hard to be serious. With my sister there and the lines I had to say, we just would both end up laughing. This made it longer than it needed to be. I told her we needed to "lock in", but that took some time. I also wasn't trying to waste space on the camera, so we really had ...

Picking the soundtrack for short film!

Hey, Bloggers! So when it was introduced that our project his year was a short film, many ideas popped into my head. I already knew what type of look and sound I wanted for mine. I also know it's harder to get some music, because of copyright issues. To also help me get an better understanding of the type of music I wanted, I did some research, well more than just some. I watched a lot of horror/ thriller films on YouTube to see how they placed it and to see what it "should" sound like. I found a lot of things that inspired me.  I wanted to use music by artists "Ken Carson" and "Playboi Carti". They in a label "Opium" that fits what I've envisioned for my film, but I have to get around the copy right. I know with those artists it'll be really difficult because their management isn't that good. So I went looking on YouTube, so that I wasn't too dependent on that idea. I found some stuff but it felt like "cliche" horro...

Sorting it out!

Hey Bloggers, it's Laudjah! I've missed writing these blogs and I'm happy to get into this "groove", lol. I'm so excited to start filming this short film. I've had a couple set backs so I couldn't start filming when I originally planned to. Doing this film by myself as been a challenge that as lowkey been hard to conquer. Finding people that want to be in something they get no type of compensation for is hard. They don't fully the importance of this project/class. They people I originally planned to film with, well 2/3 or 4 have been pretty compliant. Others unfortunately just see this as a fun project. As it will be fun to make, it's also important that it doesn't just look like a "fun" mini film, but something that represents all that I've learned. It keeps getting shut down or being put on the back burner for some. As I'm writing this, I'm coming to the realization that I need to find people that maybe took the clas...