
Showing posts from December, 2024

Other info for Short Film!!

  Location- The locations that will be used for the short film will the my house, my room, the kitchen, the beach, a park, and a parking lot (deciding where that will be exactly) Participants- Alyssa, Laney, Laudjah, Paige (May change depending on availability) Health- Parents will be there throughout filming for supervision in case anything happens. Caution will be exercised as well. Schedule- The days we are filming are: January 31, February 1st, February 2nd, and February 4th. Props: iPhone, Laptop, Car, fake pills, and pill bottle  Stand-ins: Just incase a person can't make it or the location is available, I can use my sister as an extra or my friends house( Paige or Alyssa's) for filming

Planning Blog: Title Design for Short Film

  Working Title: The title of this film is  "Infatuated". For my short film, I decided to choose some fonts that were cohesive to my short film in a sense. I chose  fonts "Penultimate" for the title and "Rubik Mono One" (This) and "Russo One" (This) Titles will all slide into screen horizontally and immediately disappear. Titles will leave screen between 2-5 seconds. The coloring for the title of the film depending on the scene will be black and red. All fonts will be mixed. It will look something like " Directed By: Laudjah Mugayo" For the title design I'll be using:

Script: Short Film

  Infatuated  Ivy- Laudjah Amira- Alyssa Leigh- Paige Xaiver- ? (Ivy laying in bed scrolling on ex's Instagram account) Ivy- " Why doesn't he want me? None of these girls can do what I've done for him" *Fade into flashbacks of Xaiver and Ivy* (Xaiver and Ivy sitting down on the beach) Xaiver- "I can't wait to spend forever with you" Ivy- "Always and forever?" Xaiver- "Always and Forever" *Montage of Xaiver and Ivy's cute moments* - (Ivy calls Leigh in desperation) Ivy- "Leigh I don't know what to do, I feel like I'm loosing my mind" Leigh- "You have to stop thinking about him" Ivy- " Leigh c'mon you know that easier said than done. And I can't get over him when I'm the best for him" Leigh- Ivy that's not the type of mindset you should have right now  Ivy- "I don't care, I have to do something about this, theres so way I cant let him waste away his time, when it cou...

Researching short film: Creditia

 Hey,  Blogger! Today I'm researching more horror films, enjoy! In this film some common... CAMS: Low angle Wide shot Close-ups Pan Over the shoulder Sounds Ambient sound  Dialogue Sound motif Diegetic sound Mis-en-scene: Props such as bag, headphones, and car Blood Acting Editing Shot/reverse shot Cutaway Action matcg Eye-line matcg

Researching short film: Knock Knock

  Hey, Bloggers! This is my last research blog, hope Horror is becoming your new favorite genre! The film builds tension through minimal dialogue and relies heavily on sound design and cinematography to create a sense of dread. The film explores themes of isolation, fear if the unknown, and the psychological impact of being alone in a potentially dangerous situation. Lighting: The film has low lighting to cast shadows and create a sense of mystery and unease. Use of film  rooms and flickering lights. Camera Angles: Used close-ups to capture the protagonist's fear and wide shots to emphasize her isolation. the use of handheld camera movements adds a sense of realism and urgency Ambient Sounds: The film makes excellent use of ambient sounds, such as creaking floors, distant thuds, and the titular knocking, to build tension. The sound design is crucial in creating an immersive experience for the audience.  - Silence: Strategic use of silence amplifies the impact of sudden no...

Researching short film: Foxed

  Hey, Bloggers! Today I'm furthering my research on the Horror genre. Hope you enjoy and can get a better understanding of the genre! Common Cams include:  Close-ups Extreme close-up Tracking shot POV shot Common Sounds include: Diegetic sound with the heavy breathing and footsteps Non diegetic sound with msic Mis-eb-scene: Dark lighting Fast Movements The setting was dark within the cave Editing: Jump cut Cutaway Action match

Researching film research: A Distorted Doll

Hey, Bloggers! I will be continue my research on short films in the horror genre. I'm continuing this research as that is the genre I'll be doing for my short film. In this film, common angles and shots in this genre were shot-reverse-shot, POV shot, tracking shot, and zoom in. These angles and shots allow the audience to see a representation of the film. It is crucial in telling the story and increases audience interactions. Common sounds in this film included were diegetic sounds, such as screaming, creaking and heavy breathing. Also included non-diegetic sound, for instance, background music of suspense. This short film also included sound bridges and voiceovers. Common Mis-en-scence in this film included, dark lighting which sets a certain mood in the audience bruising on the body which is done with the use of makeup and shows signs of violence, blood which ca inflict fear, and a doll, which was the main prop telling a story. Certain editing such as cross-cutting, cut away,...

Researching how to make a short film

Hey, Blogger! Today for my research I'll be watching a video on how to make a short film.  The video was extremely helpful. It covered both the technical and creative aspects of making a short film. One key point in emphasized was the importance of focusing on a single core concept instead of trying to fit too much into a short film. I need to keep this in mind during the duration of my film, so I don't make things harder for myself. Another important takeaway was the significance of scriptwriting and planning. The video explained how the screen serves as the foundation for the film, it influences the creative and practical elements of filmmaking. The video also reminded me about production, pertaining to budgeting, crew, and equipment. I was reminded that the tools I'm using for my film doesn't reflect the outcome of the film. Hearing this helped me because I was debating if I wanted to film on my phone, or borrow a camera for a "better look". a the video als...

Short Film Genre Research: La Jetee, short film, and 12 monkeys, full length movie

Hey Blogger! I watched a video comparing 12 monkeys and La Jetee, and it was discussing how the film naturally extends the short, by building on the original ideas. The video also touched on how both films explore the inevitability of certain events. In La Jetee the protagonist is caught in a loop, unable to change the outcome. In contrast, 12 monkeys takes this concept further, with the main character attempting to prevent a catastrophic event. The way time is portrayed in both films is very important to their themes, and the video highlights how this theme is central to both works. The video showed how manipulating time plays a critical role in storytelling. A central theme in both films is time travel, but La Jetee uses photography to reinforce the unchanging nature of time, while 12 monkeys builds on this ability to alter past events. I got the understanding that time manipulation drives the plot and can add emotional depth to the storyline. (Comparison From Article) Adapting La Je...

Comparing 9, the short film, and 9, the full length film

Hey Bloggers! In todays research, I'll be comparing the short and full length film, "9". The creation of the short and full length film, came from the short film by Shance Acker in 2005, which inspired the full length film that came out in 2009. In both films, it was set in post-apocalyptic scenery where small puppet creatures who are given numbers as their names and are trying to survive. Although these films are the "same" there are many similarities and differences, and I'll be comparing those two films. The short version of the film is about 8-10 minutes long, although it is short it explains the story as well as a full film. Watching it I was very engaged and interested in what their goal was. This film was about the puppet,9, trying to reach the goal of figuring out what the glowing object was trying to produce. The film managed to construct a series of flashbacks that allowed the audience to have a better understanding of the storyline. The story had ...

Short Film Genre Blog

  Hey Bloggers! Today I'll be discussing the genre for my short film. I will be doing... Horror!  For my film the horror genre is the funniest to make. Also it will be very entertaining for the audience making it an intense and thrilling experience. The horror genre allows you to "mess" with the audience by building tensions and creates an exhilarating mood. Last year my group choose this genre and wanted to further my knowledge on the genre. Typically, the movies I watch are thriller and horror and I love watching the behind the scences of the movies, because I get on understanding standing of how something can look so fake, but be so real. I want to be able to use my pervious experience to improve this project. Thats it's for this blog, Bloggers! Til next one Sincerely,  Laudjah

My pitch

 Pitch A: Lover can't get over their partner and jealously takes over Pitch B: Friends go on scavenger hunt, but one doesn't come back Discuss A: I like this pitch more. It reminds me of a lot of shows I love, such as "You". I feel like this one may also come together better than pitch B, because I'll need less people to film with. In this pitch the Lover is completely infatuated with their past partner, the partner doesn't feel the same way. The Lover goes insane over them while, the person barely "cared" about their relationship.. Discuss B: This one would be harder to execute. I'll need a group of people, but I'm working by myself. I don't want to have to rely on my friends to film this, because they may want to do other things. To them its "just a project". In this pitch, one of friends suggest they go on a scavenger hunt but that's only to reel them in a secluded area. The one friend that invited everyone kills one of t...

Group Blog

Hey, blog for this time around I'm doing this project by myself. It was hard deciding if I want to or not. But I'm content with my decision. I'm sure I can do this as well as groups that have multiple people in them. The group I worked with last year didn't take the course this year. So I guess I'm all alone on this project. I didn't want to pair up with anybody else to do this, I feel as though I can succeed on my own. That's not the only reason though. Last year when working with a group I found it difficult to efficiently get the work done. There would be cases where it would get pushed last minute, some people didn't want to do that certain task, or even didn't simply want to do it. I to am to blame because I'm a really bad procrastinator, I need to fix this. Doing this project by myself will be challenging, but I'm up for it. I feel like I'll be able to organize better since I know my schedule and when I can get this done. Unlike, in...

Intro blog

Hello blogger, its me Laudjah. You guys don't know me, so lets get to know me. My favorite place to go in the whole world is the beach. Being there in the morning, during the day, or at night is amazing. The water is wonderful, laying on the sand is delightful, and just the serenity of it all, chefs kiss. Although I love the beach, I hate how crowded it is most of the time, like so annoying. My number two favorite place would have to be going to the mall, especially with friends. Whether you're there to shop, walk around, or eat it's always really fun. Now that I've mentioned eating, i love to eat. Even though I eat like a seven year old and is a very picky eater, that is literally one of my favorite hobbies. I love to eat buffalo wings, chicken tenders, steak, grilled chicken, and fries, omg i love fries. My favorite places to eat are Chick-fil-a, Chipotle, Taco bell, Wing Stop. Now lets talk about my family and my culture. I love my family so much and my culture. My f...